Working Party on General Safety | Session 126 | 10-13 Oct 2023
Agenda Item 13.
UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

32. GRSG recalled that its experts were invited to provide further comments and indications on which UN Regulations would not be affected by the Unique Identifier (UI). GRSG also noted that it was expected to complete a tentative list provided at its previous sessions. The expert from CITA introduced GRSG-126-27 to provide clarity on the use of the different markings of a device corresponding to a single UI.

33. Finally, GRSG adopted GRSG-126-26-Rev.2 tabled by the experts from CITA and CLEPA and agreed to send it to the IWG on Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation as the final deliberation of GRSG on this subject.

GRSG-125-35 1958 Agreement - Unique Identifier Proposed actions for the IWG on DETA, GRs and WP.29 (CITA)
GRSG-126-26/Rev.2 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier Proposed actions for the IWG on DETA, GRs and WP.29 (CITA)
GRSG-126-27 Some thoughts about the Unique Identifier (CITA)