Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 15 | 23-27 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 11.
Exchange of views on guidelines and relevant national activities

129. The expert from Germany presented GRVA-15-23/Rev.1, informing GRVA on the German Legal Framework related to Automated Valet Parking (AVP) and reporting on the first national approval granted to an AVP. GRVA experts raised questions related to the role of infrastructure and the way infrastructure was taking into account in the approval process. He explained that the national requirements covered the whole AVP, including the infrastructure side, which was under the responsibility of the approval applicant. He detailed that the first approval covered a private communication infrastructure and that the approved AVP did not rely on the public network. The expert from Denmark asked, in the case a competitor would install a similar system, if there would be a second infrastructure in parallel and if it could create interference risks. The expert from Germany could not share information on this as they did not gather experience on that case.

130. GRVA thanked Germany for sharing information on national activities and invited other experts to do so at next sessions.

GRVA-15-23/Rev.1 Automated Valet Parking (AVP): Legal Framework and National Approval (Germany and KBA)