World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 187 | 20-24 Jun 2022
Agenda Item 4.2.3.

102. The Chair of GRVA recalled the purpose of the interpretation document for UN Regulation No. 155. He presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/61, proposing updates to the interpretation document that were reflecting the published final version of the ISO/SAE 21434 standard referred to in that document. He announced that GRVA would potentially submit further amendments for consideration at the March 2023 session of WP.29.

103. WP.29 adopted that document with the following amendments:

Section Y, amend the quote of para. 7.3.1 in UN Regulation No. 155, to read:

…“7.3.1.The manufacturer shall have a valid Certificate of Compliance for the Cyber Security Management System relevant to the vehicle type being approved.
However, for type approvals first issued before 1 July 2024 and for each extension thereof, if the vehicle manufacturer can demonstrate that the vehicle type could not be developed in compliance with the CSMS, then the vehicle manufacturer shall demonstrate that cyber security was adequately considered during the development phase of the vehicle type concerned.”…

Section AB, amend the quote of para. 7.3.4 in UN Regulation No. 155, to read:
…“7.3.4.The vehicle manufacturer shall … another appropriate mitigation is implemented.
In particular, for type approvals first issued before 1 July 2024 and for each extension thereof, the vehicle manufacturer shall ensure that another appropriate mitigation is implemented if a mitigation measure referred to in Annex 5, Part B or C is technically not feasible. The respective assessment of the technical feasibility shall be provided by the manufacturer to the approval authority.”…

WP.29/2022/61 UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document