Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 70 | 6-10 Dec 2021
Agenda Item 24. (j)

47. GRSP noted that Ms. Mary Versailles, from the United States of America and former Chair of GRSP, plans to retire and would no longer attend the sessions. GRSP appreciated her commitment and contribution to global vehicle safety during her many years of leadership and active participation in the sessions of GRSP and other groups of WP.29. GRSP wished Ms. Versailles a long and happy retirement and recognized her successful career with a long applause.

48. GRSP also noted that Mr. Kurt Pfister from Switzerland would retire from the service and no longer attend the sessions. GRSP commended the commitment of Mr. Pfister and his contribution to global vehicle safety during his years of active participation in the sessions. GRSP wished Mr. Pfister all the best in his future activities and recognized his successful career with a long applause.