Working Party on General Safety | Session 123 | 28 Mar-1 Apr 2022
Agenda Item 4. (f)
UN Regulation No. XXX (VRU Direct Vision)

GRSG may wish to review a proposal for a new UN Regulation No. [XXX] on VRU-Proxi on Direct Vision (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2022/7 based on GRSG-122-24).

GRSG-123-01/Rev.2 VRU-Proxi Informal: Revised terms of reference and rules of procedure
GRSG-123-08 CV direct vision: Proposal to amend document GRSG/2022/7 (Germany)
GRSG-123-09 VRU-Proxi Proposal for amendment to regulation on direct vision
GRSG-123-25 VRU-Proxi : Proposal to amend the proposal for the Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to their Direct Vision (Spain)
GRSG-123-26 VRU-Proxi: Proposal to amend regulation on Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to their Direct Vision (Spain)
GRSG-123-30 Direct Vision: Presentation to support the new regulation on DV for Trucks and Buses (EC)
GRSG/2022/7 Proposal for new regulation on Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to their Direct Vision