Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 84 | 12 Nov 2021
Virtual session
Agenda Item 1.
Adoption of the agenda

2. Mr. Rijnders, Chair of GRPE, opened the meeting, held as hybrid session, with all participants attending virtually because of the sanitary situation, and welcomed the participants.

3. GRPE adopted the provisional agenda of the eighty-fourth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2021/20), as updated and consolidated in GRPE-84-04-Rev.1.

4. The informal documents distributed before and during the GRPE session are listed in Annex I to the session report. Annex II lists the informal meetings held in conjunction with this GRPE session. Annex III lists IWGs of GRPE, task forces and subgroups, giving details on their Chairs, Secretaries and the end of their mandates. The secretariat recalled GRPE to make sure not to breach copyrights when submitting documents to be uploaded on UNECE website.

5. The secretariat introduced GRPE-83-09-Rev.1, announcing that the next GRPE session would tentatively take place from 11 to 14 January 2022 and recalled the corresponding deadlines (19 October 2021) for the submission of official documents. He also briefly outlined the expected configuration and timetable for the next meeting in January 2022.

GRPE-84-04/Rev.1 GRPE-84: Updates to the provisional agenda
GRPE-84-09/Rev.1 General information for the 85th (January 2022) GRPE session
GRPE/2021/20 GRPE-84: Annotated provisional agenda for the November 2021 session