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WP.29 Discussion Topic
The World Forum has engaged in an exchange of views over the possibility of establishing a common system of product markings (mainly within the context of lighting products and tires) through the GTR process. At the November 2010 session, the Forum decided to set this item in abeyance for 2011 unless a new reason appears to reopen the discussion. At the same time, the Forum's DETA group (which is pursuing a data exchange system for type approval information) wishes to keep open the possibility for eventually including information from non-type-approval (e.g., self-certification) nations.
(Latest posted on 2 Mar 2012)
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9-12 Mar 2010 WP.29 | Session 150
22-25 Jun 2010 WP.29 | Session 151
9-12 Nov 2010 WP.29 | Session 152