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(Latest 12 November 2016)
1. Adoption of the agenda
IWVTA-22-02 | Provisional agenda for the 22nd IWVTA informal group session
2. Approval of the report of the previous session
IWVTA-22-01 | Minutes of the 21st IWVTA informal group meeting
3. Report from Sub-group “1958 Agreement”
4. Report from Sub-group “UN R0”
5. Preparation of report to the 170th WP.29 session
IWVTA-22-03 | Draft report of the IWVTA informal group to the 170th WP.29 session
IWVTA-22-03/Rev.1 | Draft report of the IWVTA informal group to the 170th WP.29 session
6. Things-to-do list
IWVTA-22-04 | IWVTA informal group "to do" list
7. Any other business