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(Latest 25 February 2016)
1. Welcome and opening remarks
2. Introduction of participants and organisations
3. Adoption of the agenda
REG58-QRTV-06-01 | Updated draft agenda for the 6th REG58-QRTV informal group session
4. Reports from discussions at GRB and WP29
5. Exchange of information on national and international requirements
REG58-QRTV-06-02 | Fatal Accident Involving a Blind Person in Japan in October 2015 Description of an accident wherein a blind person was killed by a truck backing up with its reverse-mode sound signal deactivated and of possible policy responses in Japan.
6. Consideration of the some technical elements for the draft UN regulation
6.1. Pause functionality
6.2. Sound emission of vehicle in standstill condition
GTRQRTV-02-08 | Concept of QRTV GTR based on R.E.3 Presentation on issues for consideration in drafting the proposed Quiet Vehicles GTR in relation to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehciles (RE3) references to approaching vehicle audible signals (AVAS).
REG58-QRTV-01-05 | Pedestrian perception of vehicle noise study presentation
6.3. QRTV of other vehicle categories
6.4. Minimum sound level
WP.29-167-23 | Quiet car research Presentation of research conducted by the World Blind Union and National Federation of the Blind in the United States to validate the effectiveness of the proposed minimum sound levels for quiet vehicles at 10 and 20 km/h. The researchers concluded that the proposed sounds levels do not add significantly to the detectability of an approaching vehicle by a blind pedestrian and that internal combustion engine vehicles were detected substantially sooner than quiet vehicles equipped with the proposed acoustic vehicle alerting system (AVAS).
7. Consideration and exchanges on the key technical elements for GTR
8. Determination of next steps with regards to enhancement of the new UN Regulation
9. Any other business
10. Next meetings
11. Adjournment