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(Latest 1 July 2015)
1. Adoption of the agenda
SGR0-16-02 | Provisional agenda for the 16th IWVTA SGR0 subgroup session
2. Reports
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
3. Brief report on the 19th and 20th DETA IG meetings
DETA-20-02 | Draft report of the DETA informal group on its 19th session
DETA-20-03 | Draft report of the DETA drafting group session held on 8 April 2015
DETA-20-08/Rev.1 | Proposal from drafting group on the draft UN Regulation No. 0 (document SGR0-16-03)
4. Review the updated text of UN Regulation No. 0 draft
4.1. Action item 1 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
4.2. Action item 2 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
4.3. Proposal to amend paragraph 5.1.2 of draft UN R0
SGR0-16-05 | Proposal to amend paragraph 5.1.2. of draft UN R0 Proposal to address situations where the requirements or scope of a regulation change between versions in order to ensure that each whole vehicle type approval meets the requirements of the later version.
4.4. Action item 3 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
4.5. Action item 4 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
4.6. Use of Unique Identifier for IWVTA’s
SGR0-16-04 | Proposal to exclude use of Unique Identifier under the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Dutch discussion paper arguing that the DETA system unique identifier should not be mandatory under IWVTA.
4.7. Proposal to amend Paragraph 13.1. of the draft UN Regulation No. 0
SGR0-16-06 | Proposal to amend Paragraph 13.1. of the draft UN R0 Proposal to clarify that IWVTA-aproved vehicles remain subject to any additional national or regional requirements that may apply within a given market.
4.8. Review paragraph 13.4 and other paragraphs, if necessary
5. Preparation for the 166th WP.29 session
5.1. UN R0 3rd draft (formal document)
WP.29/2015/68 | Proposal for draft Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Draft proposal for the regulation to establish an international whole vehicle type approval. This proposal includes tentative text in brackets that is still awaiting final agreement among the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement.
5.2. Action item 7 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-01 | Major results and action items of the 15th SGR0 meeting
SGR0-15-09 | Draft proposal for Q&A on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval system
5.3. Explanatory presentation on UN R0 3rd draft
SGR0-16-07/Rev.1 | Updated presentation of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Regulation No. 0
6. Progress by GRs in reviewing UN Regulations on List B
SGR0-16-08/Rev.2 | Progress by GR's in reviewing UN Regulations on List B
7. Action item 6 of SGR0-16-01
SGR0-16-08/Rev.2 | Progress by GR's in reviewing UN Regulations on List B
8. Action item 8 of SGR0-16-01
9. Other business