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(Latest 13 February 2015)
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Agenda and Working Document
LKAS-03-01 | Draft agenda for the 3rd LKAS ad hoc group meeting
GRRF/2015/2 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 79 Text prepared by the experts from the LKAS small drafting group to introduce new definitions and the related LKAS requirements in to the text of UN Regulation No. 79.
LKAS-03-02 | Proposal for lane-keeping assist system warning strategy
LKAS-03-03 | CLEPA-OICA position on technical requirements for LKAS under UN R79
LKAS-03-05 | LKAS technical requirements under UN R79 as adopted during the 3rd LKAS ad hoc group session This proposal adds text adopted during the December 2014 LKAS group session that will need to be incorporated, likely through an informal document, to the formal text submitted to the GRRF (document GRRF/2015/2).
LKAS-03-06 | Transitional provisions for LKAS under UN R79 as adopted at the 3rd LKAS ad hoc group session The LKAS group proposes several options for the transitional period for consideration and eventual decision by the GRRF. Industry proposes a three-year period before entry into effect while some government representatives propose immediate entry into effect for new type approvals since they believe current LKAS systems already meet the requirements.
LKAS-03-07 | Optionality provisions for LKAS as agreed by the LKAS adhoc group "If fitted" clause for application to the LKAS requirements proposed for introduction into UN R79.
4. Automatically controlled steering function (ACSF)
GRRF-78-14 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 Proposal to introduce lane-keeping assistance systems into the regulation. This document incorporates the agreed-upon definitions presented in document GRRF-78-05.
LKAS-03-04 | Proposal for refinements to the draft text on automatically controlled steering functions (ACSF)
LKAS-03-09 | Automatically controlled steering function (ACSF) draft text improvements as presented at LKAS-03 Refinements to the text as developed during the 3rd LKAS ad hoc expert group session.
5. Remote-controlled parking (RCP)
GRRF/2015/4 | Proposal for amendments to Annex 5 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) Revised proposal to introduce general performance guidelines into the annex on automated driver assistance systems in order to set initial safety considerations to guide the commercialization of this emerging technology. Specifically addresses remote-controlled parking systems (RCP).
LKAS-03-08 | Proposal for requirements on remote-controlled parking systems
6. Next steps and list of action items