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(Latest 24 January 2014)
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
4. Feedback from last GRSP session

The chairman present document show during last GRSP meeting.

5. Work on phase 2
5.1. Status of work

5.1. During the meeting, for all discussions & decisions, the document CRS-42-03e (GRSP-54-36e) was updated for a version available under CRS-42-04e. The following points have been discussed :

  • We need to precise retractor definition
  • The size of the dummy to be used for lateral impact
  • Revision of the chapters : 2.3.2 ; 2.17.2 ; 2.5.2 and 6.1.1 concerning the Universal vehicle Booster seat position
  • Lower limit for authorized booster seat size range
  • Chapter only with one fixture for booster seat and booster cushion
  • Rephrase for shoulder height (measured only for harness system)
  • Modified Annex 18 – Figure 2 to clarify the measurement of the Shh dimension.
  • Question from CLEPA: is the technical regulation could clarify the delimitation of the responsibility between automakers and CRS manufacturers concerning the lateral protection of occupants above a certain stature.
CRS-42-03 | Working draft of the phase 2 amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 on child restraint systems Further development of UN R129 to extend its scope to non-integral Child Restraint Systems ("Universal Booster" or "Specific to vehicle Booster").
CRS-42-04 | Draft 01 series of amendments to UN R129 (Phase 2 of the Regulation) Working draft of the amendments (updated version of document GRSP-54-36) to further develop UN R129 to extend its scope to non-integral Child Restraint Systems (“Universal Booster” or “Specific to vehicle Booster”).
GRSP-54-36 | Draft 01 series of amendments (Phase 2) to UN Regulation No. 129 Working draft of the proposed amendments to introduce provisions for non-integral CRS ("Universal Booster" or "Specific to vehicle Booster"), incorporating all the changes agreed during the 54th (December 2013) GRSP session.
5.2. Update about the APTS design and ongoing work (IFSTTAR)

The APTS sensors (from Humanetics) integration for Q10 expected to be done in 2 months from now. Q6 expected to be available in ½ year from now. Timing Q3 & Q1.5 dependent on outcomes Q10 & Q6 but also expected in about 6 months.

CRS-42-05 | APTS status report Report to the CRS informal group on improvements to the "abdominal pressure twin sensors" used in Q dummies.
5.3. Challenges associated with dummy kinematics and booster (IFSTTAR)

Spine seems to have an effect (also leads to diagonal belt slippage and increased neck force).
Pulse + bench have an effect in simulations.
Overall, the baseline human model behaviour seems in line with epidemiological data. However, the results question the ability of the dummy to evaluate the submarining behaviour in the sled conditions.
Q10 dummy is not representative of the normal kinematics and has some difficulties to differentiate improved CRS from poor products.

CRS-42-06 | Challenges associated with dummy kinematics and booster Presentation for discussion of child seat submarining behaviors and related abdominal and other injuries.
5.4. Differences between R129 (phase 2) and R44/04 (CYBEX)

Back on document for interpretation : CRS-36-03.
Need to clarify about the harness shoulder strap positioner: 15N is the force to disassembly it with normal action.

CRS-36-03 | CRS classifications
CRS-42-09 | Differences between R129 (phase 2) and R44/04
5.5. EC Research by TRL

Lots of discussion about the severity of the pulse.
Not much difference between vehicles crash test & tests sled for side impact.
Question from Philippe LESIRE: What is the result if we change pulse impact on the dummy kinematics, shall we see any difference between with or without booster for example?
François RENAUDIN: not so much difference between car test & test sled.

CRS-42-07 | DG ENTR Lot 1 Framework: New UN Regulation on CRS Presentation on the TRL research program to support the European Commission during the second phase development of the regulation on “Enhanced Child Restraint Systems” on areas such as definitions, performance criteria and test methods for non-integral CRS with ISOFIX attachments, the test pulse for frontal impact, how best to apply recognised and accepted injury criteria related to the Q-Series dummies, and other issues related to validation of the regulation (such as the side impact test procedure).
6. Time table for deliverables

Chairman and secretary to prepare an update version of the draft before the end of January.
All written observations must reach the Chairman and the secretary before the 14th of February.

7. Next meetings

7.1. 43th meeting will be held in Paris – OICA – March, the 25
7.2. 44th meeting will be held in Paris OICA – April, the 23

8. Any other business