Headlines Archive

The table below provides links to third-party articles of interest related to global automotive regulations and policies. The links are added at the time of publication and may have changed since the time they were posted. We encourage users to let us know if any of the listings are no longer valid.

7 Dec 2017 EU agreement on tighter rules for safer and cleaner cars GTR No. 15 | Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Emissions Test Procedure, UN Regulation No. 49 | Diesel and CNG/LNG Engine Emissions, UN Regulation No. 83 | Motor Vehicle Emissions, and UN Regulation No. 101 | Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Fuel/Energy Consumption Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) EC, EU, and JRC European Commission, European Union, and European Commission Joint Research Centre
24 Feb 2016 Commission car emissions testing won’t have muscle like US watchdog GTR No. 15 | Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Emissions Test Procedure and UN Regulation No. 83 | Motor Vehicle Emissions EC, EU, JRC, and US EPA European Commission, European Union, European Commission Joint Research Centre, and US Environmental Protection Agency