Headlines Archive

The table below provides links to third-party articles of interest related to global automotive regulations and policies. The links are added at the time of publication and may have changed since the time they were posted. We encourage users to let us know if any of the listings are no longer valid.

16 Apr 2021 France Plans on Adopting New Rules for Self-Driving Cars WP.29 Regulatory Project | Automated Driving Systems Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) France France
6 Jul 2017 France set to ban sale of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040 Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) France France
8 Dec 2014 Paris and Berlin seek to delay cuts in EU car emissions standards GTR No. 15 | Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Emissions Test Procedure, UN Regulation No. 83 | Motor Vehicle Emissions, and UN Regulation No. 101 | Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Fuel/Energy Consumption Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) EU, France, and Germany European Union, France, and Germany