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Status report of the WLTP informal subgroup on Electric Vehicles
Document EVE-14-09
20 April 2015
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. | Update on other IWG

Mr. Olechiw led a roundtable discussion of work related to EVs occurring in two other WP.29 and GRPE IWGs, with a focus on the WLTP work: an update was given by Mr. Per Ohlund on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) IWG using document EVE-14-09e, by Mr. Guido Gielen on the Environmental Propulsion and Performance Requirements (EPPR) IWG (additional resource here: EPPR state-of-play presentation), and by Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa on the Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS) IWG. Discussion focused on current EV-related issues the groups were facing and whether or not coordination with the EVE IWG was desired or necessary.

Relates to Electric Vehicles & the Environment | GTR No. 15 |