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UN R162: Proposal for Supplement 5
Document GRSG/2023/4
6 January 2023

Proposal to align the three UN Regulations resulting from the split of UN R116 with regard to their references to UN R10 on electromagnetic compatibility.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.7.7. | Proposal of Supplement 5 to the original version of the UN Regulation No. 162 (Immobilizers)
7. (c) | UN Regulation No. 162 (Immobilizers)

21. As per agenda item 7(b), the expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2023/4 to align the reference to UN Regulation No. 10. Moreover, the expert from France introduced GRSG-125-12, to introduce an editorial correction to the UN Regulation. GRSG agreed to adopt both proposals as a full package. The secretariat was requested to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/4, as amended below, as Supplement 5 to the original version of the UN Regulation No. 162, for consideration and vote at the November 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1:

Annex 2a, amend to read:
" … of a type of vehicle with regard to its immobilizer pursuant to UN Regulation No. 162 …"

Annex 2b, amend to read:
“… of a type of component or separate technical unit as an immobilizer pursuant to UN Regulation No. 162 …”

7. (b) | UN Regulation No. 162 (Immobilizers)

24. GRSG considered GRSG-124-24, as per paragraph 22 above. GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its March 2023 session and requested the secretariat to distribute it with an official symbol at that session.

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