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UN R121: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments
Document GRSG-115-14/Rev.1
11 October 2018

Proposal to add a new symbol (as defined by IEC standard 60417-5009) for power on/off controls in electrified vehicles (e.g., electric or fuel cell vehicles).

Submitted by Korea
Status: Not supported
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
13. | UN Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators)

52. The expert from the Republic of Korea presented GRSG-115-14-Rev.1 to add in UN Regulation No. 121 a new symbol for “power on/power off” controls in vehicles equipped with an electric powertrain, such as electric vehicles. GRSG noted some comments. The expert from the Republic of Korea volunteered to review his proposal taking into account the comments received. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in April 2019 on the basis of an official document.

Relates to UN R121 |