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Simplification of Light Sources Regulations Nos. 37, 99, 128
Document GRE-73-23
21 April 2015
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. Simplification of Regulations on lighting and light-signalling

7. GRE took note of the progress of the Informal Working Group on “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR) and three possible timelines for completing its activities (GRE-73-22). On behalf of IWG SLR, the expert from Germany proposed a concept for simplification based on the introduction of a new part B into Regulation No. 48 and using it as a Horizontal Reference Document (HRD) to which the common provisions of the individual device Regulations would be moved (GRE-73-05-Rev.1). The individual device Regulations would only contain references to part B of Regulation No. 48. A revised Regulation No. 48 and an example of a revised device Regulation were also presented (GRE-73-03 and GRE-73-04). IWG SLR requested GRE to provide guidance on the proposed simplification approach.

8. Various experts reiterated their support to the simplification of the lighting and light-signalling Regulations, but pointed out that, before providing guidance to IWG SLR, they would need more time to study the proposed approach and its consequences. In particular, GRE identified the following issues that would need to be addressed:
a) The impact of amendments (supplements or new series of amendments) to part A and/or part B of Regulation No. 48 on individual device Regulations and vice versa;
b) Some Contracting Parties do not apply Regulation No. 48, but apply specific device Regulations. If the common provisions of these Regulations are included in Regulation No. 48, such Contracting Parties would not be in a position to vote on amendments to these common provisions or object to their adoption;
c) The issues under (a) and (b) above could be solved by moving the common provisions of the device Regulations into a special Resolution similar to R.E.3, rather than to Regulation No. 48. Referencing this Resolution in the device Regulations would make its provisions legally binding;
d) Use of dynamic or static references to HRD in the device Regulations: dynamic references could provide more benefits in terms of simplifying the text, but some Contracting Parties might prefer static references for legal reasons.

9. GRE noted that some of these issues would require guidance from the United Nations Office for Legal Affairs (OLA) and/or WP.29. GRE invited all experts to transmit to the secretariat their comments and questions on the proposed approach before 24 April 2015. The secretariat was requested to seek advice from OLA on legal issues. GRE agreed that the Chair would report to WP.29, at its June 2015 session, on the progress in the simplification of the lighting and light-signalling Regulations and would ask WP.29 to provide guidance on the approach proposed by IWG SLR and, if required, to extend the mandate of the IWG SLR. Meanwhile, IWG SLR was requested to continue its activities to revise device Regulations with a view to preparing a full package for the next session of GRE, bearing in mind that a final decision with regard to HRD (a new part of Regulation No. 48, a new Resolution, etc.) would be taken at a later stage depending on the guidance provided by WP.29 and OLA.

10. On behalf of IWG SLR, the expert from IEC proposed, for the purposes of simplification, to separate data sheets for various light sources from Annex 1 of Regulations Nos. 37, 99 and 128 and to include them in a repository document (resolution) administered by WP.29 (GRE-73-23). GRE noted that this approach had already been endorsed by WP.29 at its November 2014 session and that official documents with amendment proposals would be submitted to the next session of GRE.

10. (b) Work progress of the International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB) task forces
Relates to UN R37 | UN R99 | UN R128 |