Japan to apply indirect vision and hydrogen vehicle safety regulations

17 August 2016

On August 16, the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations acknowledged receipt of notifications from Japan of its decision to apply UN Regulation No. 46 on indirect vision devices (including rear-view mirrors and camera-monitor systems) and UN Regulation No. 134 on the safety of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. Japan’s application of UN R46 comes as a result of changes adopted to the scope through Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments. Japan introduced national requirements for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles prior to the adoption of UN R134 and required a delay in application to confirm the regulation’s alignment with those national requirements. In accordance with the procedures of the 1958 Agreement, these regulations will enter into force for Japan from October 15. As of this date, Japan will be obliged to accept type approvals issued by other nations under these regulations. Reciprocally, nations and regions applying UN R46 and/or UN R134 will be obliged to accept type approvals issued by Japan.

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