World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 183 | 9-11 Mar 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 4.5.
Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

73. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-183-10) a report to the World Forum concerning the situation related to the use of DETA and also updating WP.29 on the work of the IWG at its fortieth session, held on 4 March 2021. He sought guidance from WP.29 whether Market Surveillance Authorities (MSA) could be granted, under certain conditions, access to DETA. He also presented the proposal of the IWG on Simplification of Lighting and light signalling Regulations (SLR) concerning the use of DETA in the context of Unique Identifier (UI) and asked WP.29 if the Forum would support that the IWGs on SLR and DETA would develop the proposal. He also invited WP.29 to request the secretariat to convene a meeting regarding DETA financing.

74. The Secretary of WP.29 recalled that ITC noted, at its February 2021 session, the request of several delegations to finance the database through the ECE regular budget, but reaffirmed that due to lack of consensus, financing will continue to be implemented through alternative ways of contributions, pending further consultations. He also recalled the willingness of AC.2 to organize a meeting to discuss the way to make DETA more inclusive for all contracting parties (see para. 13 above).

75. WP.29 agreed with the proposal to provide access to DETA to the MSA, which resulted in the amendment to the former decision of WP.29 in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145, Annex V:

R = read
W = read + write + delete
CERT (communication on type approval)TR (test report)IF (information document)OTHER (other documents)
Approval granting TAA (for granted approval)WWWW
CP applying the UN Reg. for which the approval was granted**RRRR
CP applying UN Reg. 0 (access to the approvals of R0 and the annexed UN Regulations)RRRR
CPs not applying that UN Reg.----
Manufacturer* (only for own approvals)RRRR
* Manufacturers get access upon request to the DETA Administrator.
** The DETA focal point may provide access to the Market Surveillance Authority of his/her Country, subject to adherence with para. 91 of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145.

76. WP.29 invited the IWGs on SLR and DETA to develop the proposal related to the use of DETA in the context of Unique Identifier.

77. WP.29 invited the secretariat to call for an informal meeting at AC.2 level to discuss financing DETA.

WP.29-183-10 Report from the 40th DETA informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session
WP.29-183-11 Draft report of the 40th DETA informal group session