World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 183 | 9-11 Mar 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 2.1.
Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

6. The 135th session of WP.29/AC.2 (8 March 2021) was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy), Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), and was attended**, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.1) by the Chairs of GRBP (France), GRE (Finland), GRPE (Netherlands), GRSG (Italy), GRSP (United States of America), GRVA (Germany), the Vice-Chairs of GRBP (Russian Federation), GRE (Netherlands), GRPE (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), GRSG (represented by Canada delegate), GRSP (Republic of Korea), GRVA (China and Japan), the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement (United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan), the Vice-Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (Russian Federation) and by the representatives of the European Union.
** Remote participation

7. Prior to its scheduled meeting on 8 March 2021, AC.2 held an ad-hoc virtual informal meeting on 19 February related to the special procedures during COVID-19 period in order to enable business continuity for WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies.

8. AC.2 took note of the special procedures during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted under silence procedure on 26 February 2021 and was informed about the results of the written voting procedures, which took place from 2 to 5 March 2021, for WP.29, AC.1 and AC.3 items envisaged for voting in accordance with the agenda of the 183rd session of the World Forum.

9. AC.2 noted the nomination, notwithstanding 2002 arrangements (TRANS/WP.29/885 para. 152), of Mr. I. Yarnold (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) for the Chairmanship of AC.3 and decided to further reflect on and possibly update these arrangements to better reflect in the Chairmanship its global role. AC.2 members welcomed his candidacy.

10. AC.2 reviewed the proposed programme of work of the World Forum, noted comments provided by the European Commission and recommended a review by WP.29.

11. AC.2 approved participation by ETRMA to WP.29 and subsidiary bodies under Rule 1(d) for the next two years.

12. AC.2 discussed possible actions in response to a Resolution on Human Rights considerations related to autonomous vehicles by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. AC.2 recommended GRVA to follow up on this request.

13. AC.2 took note of the discussions at ITC related to financing DETA and recommended to adopt a new approach widening the scope to all agreements serviced by WP.29.

14. AC.2 recommended AC.4 not to convene.