34. The secretariat presented the list of main decisions adopted at the eighty-first session of ITC (25-28 February 2020). Decisions Nos. 15–18 and 50–52 were emphasized as of particular importance to the work of WP.29.
35. In decision No. 15, ITC took note of the status of implementation of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Road Map that was launched at its seventy-fourth session and encouraged continuation of the work of SC.1 on smart roads; of SC.3 on smart shipping, River Information Systems, and innovative technologies in the recently adopted Signs and Signals for Inland Waterways (SIGNI); of WP.1 on the safe deployment of automated vehicles in traffic; of WP.15 on telematics for the transport of dangerous goods; of WP.29 on the adoption of the framework document on the safety of automated vehicles; of WP.29/GRVA on regulating autonomous/automated and connected vehicles (incl. cyber security); and of WP.30 on eTIR, as fostering regulatory and other activities in these areas would ensure the benefits that ITS could provide in terms of safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and traffic management.
36. In decision No. 16, ITC invited WP.1 and WP.29 to continue their close cooperation to facilitate the safe deployment of automated vehicles.
37. In decision No. 17, ITC noted with satisfaction that the ITS Road Map 2011–2020, which would come to its conclusion in 2020, encouraged ITS activities linked to infrastructure and all transport modes and contributed to addressing ITS issues in an integrated approach.
38. In decision No. 18, ITC decided that, on this basis and considering the importance of ITS in light of global mega trends, technological developments, and the ongoing transformation of the Committee and its Working Parties, an updated ITS Road Map would be warranted and, therefore, requested the secretariat, in close cooperation with relevant Working Parties and subsidiary bodies, to prepare it for consideration in the framework of relevant Working parties and ITC Bureau and possible adoption at its eighty-third session, subject to availability of resources.
39. In decision No. 50, ITC endorsed the establishment by WP.29 of the Framework Document on Automated/Autonomous Vehicles and its implementation mainly by the Working Party on Autonomous/Automated Vehicles (GRVA).
40. In decision No. 51, ITC noted with regret the limitation of the 179th WP.29 session to three days only as a result of the financial crisis.
41. In decision No. 52, ITC reiterated its support for hosting of the type-approval database DETA at ECE, following the entry into force of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement, took note of information on the status of ECE hosting of DETA and reiterated its support for the request for financing of DETA under the United Nations regular budget.
42. WP.29 identified IWG on ITS as the ideal body to support the update of the ITS Road Map and requested the IWG to develop in close cooperation with the secretariat a first draft in view of the next ITC session.
43. The Secretary informed WP.29 on the ITC side event on “safer and cleaner used vehicles” that took place on the first day of the 2020 ITC week. He also informed WP.29 on the decision of the UN Road Safety Fund to finance a project on the same subject, “Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa” led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the support of Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Transport forum (ITF) as well as CITA. He explained that this project could be supported by the outcome of WP.29’s work as there was a close link with activities under the 1997 Agreement.
44. The Chair welcomed the information and stated that WP.29 was ready to support these activities.
45. The representative of South Africa noted the relevance of these activities. He mentioned two examples of the issue. He highlighted the problem related with the second-hand tyres sold in Africa. He also mentioned the overall problem of the movement of unroadworthy second hand cars towards Africa. He concluded that the World Forum would be well placed to address these difficulties on the technical level.
46. WP.29 agreed to support and contribute to these activities.