Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 82 | 22-25 Oct 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this session is 29 July 2019.

Agenda Item 7. (c)
UN Regulation No. 65 (Special warning lamps)

38. The expert from Poland proposed to clarify the definition of the “on” time for the case of a group of flashes (GRE-82-09). The expert from GTB pointed out that the GTB Working Group Photometry had recently considered an alternative wording for the same purpose. GRE invited both experts to submit a new proposal to the next session.

39. The expert from GTB proposed corrections (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/17). GRE supported the amendments but decided to postpone their submission to WP.29 and AC.1, in order to combine them with the results of the discussion reflected in the previous paragraph.