Informal Group for the Introduction of Plastic Glazing into Regulation 43 | Session 7 | 18-19 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 7.
Further discussion of the draft regulatory text

Dr Dümmler had a comment on paragraph of the annex 17.

A debate took place about the consequences of adding the 1% initial haze. Two properties are in stake: straight light transmission of the new material and resistance to abrasion. It was suggested to add the requirement that the total haze should not exceed 3%. After some debate, the group agreed that this would be decided at the November meeting.

Dr. Dümmler was of the opinion that, at least for windscreens, the initial straight light measurement should be a basic requirement, expressed as initial haze limit because the labs already measure initial haze, whereas the abrasion resistance is a different requirement. Note: the wording should be consistent for all tests.

Dr Dümmler proposed further corrections which were directly incorporated in this document:
paragraph 2.6.3: definition of a laminated rigid plastic pane;
Annex 3, paragraph chemical-resistance test under load – specification of the side of the test piece to be treated.

There was also the possibility to fully delete the test of resistance to radiation. It is not necessary to test the panes neither the interlayer because the simulated weathering already covers this. This was challenged because the test methods are not similar, (mercury vs. xenon), where the radiations are not the same (spectrum). In addition, it would be inconsistent to delete it while it is kept for the glass panes as test of the interlayer on radiation resistance.

Concerning the high temperature test, the group was informed that Mr. Esser was no longer interested in having this test for rigid plastic windscreens and in agreement to delete it from there, because Daimler found no influence of the high temperature on the plastic material. The group agreed to keep the high temperature test for laminated rigid plastics other than windscreens.

GRSG-104-43 Draft proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 43