Informal Group for the Introduction of Plastic Glazing into Regulation 43 | Session 7 | 18-19 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 6.
Review of the Taber test

At the last ISO meeting of SC11, the language was improved. Most of the French proposals were inserted in the draft. Remaining task: the reference glass was defined, but still the reference plastic pane must be defined. Since for all potential reference plastic materials investigated in SC11 the Taber and Daiwa wheels provided significantly different results, and due to the fact that Daiwa wheels are not available on the market, it was decided to conduct the standardization work only with the Taber wheels. The reference material would be Poycarbonat (Eurogard, NL) both sides coated with Momentive coating AS4000. Need to perform a RR with the same wheel lot and additionally with those wheels currently in use in the participating labs, 100, 500, 1000 cycles, with 13 different labs. This round robin test is currently conducted, and will produce results in time for the next informal group meeting. If results are negative, then there will be a need to re-discuss.

PSA pointed out that the place where the coating is applied makes a difference in the result. The application of the coating depends on a lot of parameters, hence the necessity that the coating be applied with the same parameters throughout all the samples.

Taber will supply the wheels together with the reference plates.

Ideally test lab should know the details of the wheels. But no wheel supplier wants to provide this. Hence the need to define a glass reference, float glass, and a reference plastic. But then, there is a need to provide some details for the reference plastic material and process, same for the coating. The advantage of the plastic reference that was chosen is that there is one manufacturer willing to provide it, producing large panes, from which it is easy to cut a small part for low thickness variation. It was also stressed that this is no time and place to challenge the ISO decisions. The experts from the German delegation of the ISO group recommended that all interested experts attend the next ISO meeting.

For PMMA, the difference was of about 15% between the Daiwa and the Taber wheels, hence it was found reasonable to choose one wheel supplier.

PSA announced their intention to take part to the ISO round robin tests.

Conclusion: ISO decided about the definition of the reference material, but the decision still must be done for the reference values, according to the number of cycles.

Some of the other changes decided at ISO would have to be transferred into the UN regulation as well (headform test, crosscut test, etc.).

The Chair concluded that this would have no influence on the informal group work in a short timeframe, but ISO15082 results should be carefully checked.

Conclusion: the informal group agreed to wait for the final results of the ISO revision of the Taber test, and to make a decision accordingly after analysis of the results.

Next ISO meeting is scheduled in October 2013, results will be available at that meeting, and hence all necessary information will be available for the next meeting of the informal group in November 2013.