World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 174 | 12-16 Mar 2018
Agenda Item 4.3.
Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

71. The representative of Japan, Chair of the IWG on IWVTA, reported on the progress made by the group at its recent kick-off meeting on Phase 2 of IWVTA (WP.29-174-04). He announced a road map and a proposal for further amendments to Annex 4 of UN Regulation No. 0 at the 176th WP.29 session in November 2018. He highlighted that further amendments to the general guideline document and to Schedule 4 of the 1958 Agreement were being reviewed by the IWG on IWVTA. WP.29 endorsed the proposed activities of the IWG on IWVTA.

72. WP.29 noted the request by the IWG on the read-only access rights for DETA by contracting parties applying UN Regulation No. 0 to the type approvals documentation granted according to the UN Regulations listed in Annex 4 of UN Regulation No. 0. The World Forum reiterated its decision that all contracting parties should have read access to the communication form on type approvals granted according to all UN Regulations.

WP.29-174-04 IWVTA informal group report to the 174th WP.29 session