4. In the last meeting, GFV-26, some modifications to the amendments to Annex 4A were made, many of which were editorial. Type 3B engines in the D-F mode and the ETC cycle was discussed but needs further discussion.
5. Mr. Renaudin reviewed the amendments that were discussed at GFV-26 to Annex 4A sections. (These can be seen in GFV 26-09 or, in the document format, in the GRPE document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2013/7.) Also, as in the Euro VI, R.49 amendments the formulae ‘decimal separator’ (comma or period) were changed.
6. Mr. Dekker (TNO) has made some changes Annex 11 Appendix 4 but 4B is in better form than the current Annex 4A. Reference to Annex 4A was added with reference in Annex 4B. The changes are complicated by the fact that one has to look at both Annex 4A and 4B. If people have time to look at this to identify any mistakes Mr. Dekker would be interested in getting comments.
7. G-20 is not referenced in Annex 5 but now is amended to include it. Testing in ESC the same limits will be applied as a diesel engine but due to the discrepancy between gas and diesel on ETC takes into consideration a non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC). Mr. Renaudin explained that the diesel principle is kept intact and the proportionality is indicated. The Figure 1 chart showing THC, CH4 and NMHC is corrected from the last meeting. (Illustration of the HC limits in the case of a HDDF Type2 engine operating in dual-fuel mode during the WHTC cycle (natural gas dual-fuel engines).
8. Mr. Stein (Daimler/OICA) indicated that the text must be changed in Annex 4B for type approval purposes and the change may have to be confirmed by the GRPE.
9. Mr. Rijnders indicated that the documents (Euro V) were sent to GRPE but now we realize there are some sm all corrections needed. He asked if the original document can remain as a formal document or if, due to corrections needed does this change the document, to become an informal document?
10. Mr. Stein suggested that if Annex 4B needs to be changed then the document could not be a final. This is a type approval document and without some of the suggested changes it would be difficult to be useful.
11. Annex is used only for calculations. Annex 4B is usable only based upon the use of Annex 4A, for dual-fuel engines.
12. Mr. Rijnders asked if the GFV agrees to explain to the GRPE the document with the small corrections made today (the graph and improved flexibility). There are no objections so the document will be brought to the GRPE for adoption.