World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 171 | 14-17 Mar 2017

Session scheduled to coincide with the Geneva Motor Show. Please note that informal documents WP.29-171-35 and WP.29-171-36 have not been made available.

Agenda Item

2. The Chair of the World Forum welcomed the representatives to the World Forum and introduced the opening speakers: the Secretary of WP.29, the representative of the EEC and the representative of Malaysia.

3. In absence of the Director of the Sustainable Transport Division, the Secretary of the World Forum welcomed the delegates to the 171st session of the World Forum. He briefed the WP.29 on the 70th anniversary session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), held in February 2017, and on side events that took place during that session. He introduced the Ministerial declaration signed at the Ministerial Meeting which took place within the scope of the ITC. He also introduced the Strategy of the ITC, containing a reflection on the past 70 years of activities especially the role of the ITC in post-World War II Europe, as well as on all activities and the formation of various working parties, agreements and conventions defining its role today as being a global active body based within a Regional Commission.

4. All WPs were invited to reflect on the Strategy document through the four questions identified in para. 46 of this document: (i) What ways to go, which priorities to follow, how to stay and even increase dynamism ? (ii) What changes in the conventions will be warranted by 2030 and beyond, in terms of their regional and global scopes? (iii) How to further address the pressure between the regional status and the global role and relevance ? (iv) Are any changes warranted in the governance structure ? Any feedback to the ITC’s strategy is welcomed by end of April.

5. The representative of the EEC, introduced aims, scope of activities and membership structure of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the EEC as the permanent regulatory body of the EAEU. He explained that the regulation of circulation of vehicles within the EAEU territory and the establishment of relevant requirements is of the highest importance among the Commission’s activities related to technical regulations.

6. He highlighted that three of five EAEU countries, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, have acceded to all three agreements administered by the World Forum, the 1958, 1997 and 1998 Agreements. He explained that UN Regulations of the 1958 Agreement are the basis for the requirements of the EAEU technical regulation “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles” (CU TR 018/2011), covering all new cars, both produced within and imported to the single customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. He underlined that, in future, when establishing requirements for vehicles and their components, the EEC will direct its efforts towards implementation of the existing UN Regulations, as well as the application of the new UN Regulations for the relevant properties and components.

7. He concluded by wishing the World Forum a successful session and emphasizing the importance of strengthening the relations between the World Forum and the Eurasian Commission.

8. The representative of Malaysia introduced activities on safe and environmental friendly vehicles in his country. Malaysia has acceded to WP.29 in 2006 and during the same year Malaysia launched the National Automotive Policy, revised in 2009 and 2014. The key of the policy was aligning it with UN Regulations and making Malaysia the international hub for implementation of UN Regulations in the region. The purpose was to ensure harmonized standards throughout the region. Malaysia had stringent regulations, currently implementing 100 UN Regulations aiming to increase the number to 126 by 2020. He reported on an initiating at the Asian level to explore harmonization of application of UN Regulations throughout Asia. Since regulations were implemented, they have lowered technical barriers to trade among the countries of the region. The national auto policy, across its three revisions was making a requirement for cars to be qualified as energy efficient vehicles using UN Regulation 101. Malaysia is establishing a team of experts working group to cover the six Grs of WP.29 with the intent to participate actively. His country wants to establish a regional testing facility and seeks support from all Contracting Parties in assisting in their efforts.

9. The representative of OICA thanked the representatives of the EEC and of Malaysia on their opening statements. He stated that OICA welcomes the efforts that are taking place in their regions and countries, underlining that reduction of barriers to trade is benefiting consumers. He emphasized that the development of safe products with clear requirements ensures that all stakeholders can enjoy an equal competitive footing. Clear and defined rules to be met by all stakeholders ensure predictability and instate confidence that expectations based on such rules will be met, which is particularly important for progress in the fields of road safety and reduction of environmental impact from road vehicles.