World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 173 | 14-17 Nov 2017
Agenda Item 18.1.
UN GTR No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle emission Test Cycle (WMTC))

125. The representative of European Union, as technical sponsor for these activities, explained that the IWG on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) under GRPE was working on the development of amendments to UN GTR No. 2. He explained that the work was ongoing but with some delays. He recalled that the initial road map contemplated the submission of a working document for the January 2018 session of GRPE, but that it had to be postponed to the session in June 2018 due to difficulties related to regional differences. He reported on the important results achieved at the meeting on 17 and 18 October 2017: (i) the agreement among the Contracting Parties of the scope of the UN GTR No. 2 in terms of fuel, (ii) the nearly completion of UN GTR No. 2 parts B1, B2 and B3 expected to be presented as an informal document for updating GRPE at its January 2018 session, while parts B4 and B5 of the proposed amendment to UN GTR No.2 would not be finalized before March 2018, (iii) the intention of the IWG to start working on a new GTR on OBD 2 in January 2018, (iv) the agreement of most of the CPs to start working on durability as a next topic, (v) the point raised on the transposition of UN GTR No. 2 into the UN Regulation to be carried on by the group in the medium-term.

126. He stressed that the workload implications of the transposition activity and informed AC.3 that it could not be initiated at that moment due to a lack of resources, but that GRPE would consider possibilities for initiating it. He conveyed the request of the GRPE for the appointment of a new GRPE Secretary for the group as soon as possible, and highlighted the importance of the role for good cooperation within the Working Party.

127. The representative of IMMA thanked the representative of European Union for the report on activities. He informed AC.3 that a discussion would be held on the possible introduction of a Vice-Chair to the IWG on EPPR to support the work of the group, and commended the secretariat of the IWG on their achievements.