World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 173 | 14-17 Nov 2017
Agenda Item 3.5.2.
Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) (Eighty-fourth session, 19-22 September 2017)

39. The representative from the United Kingdom, on behalf of the GRRF Chair, reported on the results achieved by GRRF during its eighty-fourth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/84).

40. The GRB representative further informed that GRRF decided to establish an IWG on AEBS with its Terms of Reference reproduced in Annex II to the GRRF report. WP.29 gave its consent for establishing this IWG.

41. The GRB representative also informed that GRRF updated the Terms of Reference of the IWG on ACSF as reproduced in Annex VI to the GRRF report. WP.29 gave its consent for this update.

42. WP.29 noted that GRRF had elected Mr. B Frost (UK) as Chair of GRRF and Mr. H. Morimoto (Japan) as Vice-Chair for the year 2018.