Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles | Session 43 | 13 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 5.1.
ADR: 2015 results and upcoming for 2016

23. LNG, CNG and LPG have been adopted as fuels for ADR-certified trucks. Initially it was planned for introduction in the 2015 version of the ADR regulation but now will be included as ‘legal’ as of the publication of the January 2017 ADR regulation (which is updated every two years). Countries now can have multilateral agreements (as exists in 5 European countries) to allow gaseous fuel ADR trucks in advance of 2017.

24. Next issue is fuel content on trucks. Gaseous fuel proponents are advocating that energy equivalent should be the method to make create an even approach for all fuels (using the diesel limit of 1500 liters as the basis, only in equivalent energy).