Automatically Commanded Steering Functions | Session 4 | 25-27 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 5.14.5.
Homework: D to rework wording and (Driver monitoring)
Discussion, what a ACSF system must be able to monitor, what a driver is doing or whether he is available.
Must we consider, that the driver is reading a book?
Must a ACSF-driven car be better, than a tired driver in a vehicle with conventional systems?

(D): Monitoring of “attentiveness” of the driver is today not possible.
(Chair): We should not bring a work load to the manufacturer, to solve issues, which are caused by the driver.
(SE): Sees two solutions, where one of them has to be fulfilled:
1. Attentiveness is monitored by the system (e.g. eye recognition)
2. Seat occupancy + driver attention by confirmation of the driver every 10s
(NL): supports (SE)
(D): Confirmation of the driver shall also include, that he drivers presence can be checked by the system by evaluating the usage/handling of on-board systems
(J): Supports (SE)
(ROK): no opinion
(EC): supports (SE)

Homework: SE to create a new proposal.