Automatically Commanded Steering Functions | Session 4 | 25-27 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 5.14.3.
5.5.2. PTI

(Chair): no SW-Update should be possible, which is not approved by the Technical Service
(SE): Every system needs a diagnosis system. Do not rely on the OBD connection, but more on the “internal” ECU diagnosis.
(NL): The info, which is provided to the driver should also be enough for the PTI.
(SE): Confirms (NL) statement. The SW shall check, that the SW is updated.
(OICA): For this you would need a special SW, checking the SW status of the other ECUs.
For PTI it should be enough to know, whether there is a failure or not. This can be the same information, which is provided to the driver in real TIME:
(SE): It could not be the purpose of the PTI to check, whether every system has the correct SW status. This is within the responsibility of the driver and the manufacturer.

Homework: All, to think about this issue
Homework: EC, SE, J, D to prepare the requirements for PTI until the next meeting.