Informal Group on Amendments to UN R55.01 | Session 12 | 14-15 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 5.1.
Item 2 (Auxiliary usage Class A)

Mr. Westphäling reported that the work at DIN that he had earlier talked about had at 2015 Oct 16 resulted in an agreed draft standard for load carrier to be used in connection with trailer balls i.e. A50. Taking part in this work are appliance manufacturers, universities, caravan manufacturers and technical services. This draft does not address the interface to the coupling ball. Since out last meeting this German standardization work had under DIN resulted in a Committed Draft that had been forwarded to FAKRA which is an automotive standardization body in Germany. The proposal will be introduced as a New Work Item Proposal with FAKRA in June 2016. As there are no other activities to gather more knowledge on this item the working group does not see any other way to proceed than to await this German standardization work. Accordingly it was realized that that work will end outside the time frame of our working group.

It was hence decided to drop this work item from our agenda. As the German standard gets published it is up to individual initiatives to restart this Item making a proposal to the GRRF.