Working Party on General Safety | Session 110 | 25-29 Apr 2016
Agenda Item 19.
Event data recorders (EDR)

54. Recalling the discussion on this subject at the previous GRSG session, the expert from UK reported that the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and specifically its subgroup on Automated Driving (ITS/AD) had not yet discussed in detail the need to develop a new Regulation on the optional installation on vehicles of Event Data Recorder (EDR) taking into account technical parameters to be stored as well as the access and security of the data. The expert from Germany informed GRSG that the GRRF IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF) had a preliminary discussion on the need of installation on automated vehicle of the so-called Data Storage System for ACSF (DSSA). The expert from OICA added that ACSF was currently considering the type of data necessary to be recorded and/or stored. He recommended distinguishing the data collected in the existing “regular” EDR, the data collected and sent out for AECS and those to be collected in the framework of ACSF.

55. GRSG reiterated its position to seek the advice of WP.29 on how to go forward with the coordination of the activities on data recording and data protection within the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29 and their IWGs involved in automated driving, steering functions and emergency call systems. The Chair of GRSG announced his intention to seek the advice of WP.29 on this subject at the June 2016 session.

56. The expert from UK offered his commitment to prepare for the next GRSG session a proposal on a possible way forward, taking into account the advice of WP.29. GRSG welcomed that offer and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.