Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles | Session 43 | 13 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 1.
Welcome and introduction

1. Mr. Rijnders welcomed the group, with optimism for the New Year.

André Rijnders (Chairman) RDW-NL
Henk Dekker (HDDF TF Chairman) (by telecom)
Jeff Seisler (Co-Secretariat) NGV Global
Salvatore Piccolo (Co-Secretariat) AEGPL
Alberto Castagnini (AEB)
Flavio Mariani (NGVAE)
Cécile Favre (AECC)
Leif-Erik Schulte (TÜV Nord CD)
György Szabados (KTI-Hungary)
Raymond Sonan (CCFA)
Matthias Tappe (CLEPA/Bosch)
Yu Jia (China-MIIT)
Liang Ji (China-MIIT)
Hitoshi Torii (NTSEL-Japan)
Gert Jan Grootveld (Netherlands)
Onducj Sipek (DEKRA, Czech Republic)
Andrew Whitehouse (Clean Air Power) by telecom