Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Information | Session 22 | 4 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 8.
Any other business

a) Feedback from TCMV with regard to the financing of DETA.

Mr. Secretary explains the outcome of the Technical Committee Motor Vehicles 50th session. The European Commission will express during the WP.29 167th session the Member States opinion for financing DETA by additional UNECE regular budget.

b) Withdrawal of IWVTA type approvals due to R0 paragraph 7 (modification and extension of approval).

This issue is due to approvals required to be withdrawn when the U-IWVTA is modified into an L- IWVTA. Due to the negative connotation of the wording “withdrawn”, where this otherwise relates to non-CoP, the request, during previous session, was to use “production definitely discontinued” or any similar solution. The Secretary of the Sub Group IWVTA explains this will be on the agenda for the SGR0-18 meeting.

Postponed to next session.

c) Feedback from 2nd TF meeting Pre-Test IWVTA.

Mr. Chairman explains the outcome of the Task Force Pre-Test IWVTA, 2nd session. DETA is not involved within this pre-testing.