World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 160 | 25-28 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 4.2.1.
Reproduction and reference to private standards in UN Regulations, UN Global Technical Regulations and UN Rules

54. The representative of the United Kingdom reminded the World Forum that GRRF had sought guidance about referencing private standards in UN Regulations, UN Global Technical Regulations and UN Rules. He stated that the non-availability of former and draft versions of such standards as well as the non-availability of the referenced standards free of charge, would affect the transparency of the regulations. He encouraged dialogue with major international standard organizations in addressing these issues. WP.29 shared these concerns.

55. The Chair of WP.29 requested the secretariat to contact the concerned organizations to consider this issue. He suggested that the Chair of ISO/TC 22 on Road vehicles should be involved in this process. WP.29 agreed to continue consideration of this matter at its November 2013 session.