45. The Chair of GRPE reported on the results of the sixty-sixth session of GRPE (for details, see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/66).
46. [The GRPE chair] reminded the World Forum about the extraordinary session of GRPE in November 2013 on finalizing the work on the UN GTR on the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP).
47. [The GRPE chair] informed WP.29 that the terms of reference, timelines, and rules of procedures of the Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) and Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for L-category vehicles informal working groups had been approved by GRPE and annexed to the GRPE report.
48. [The GRPE chair] added that GRPE had decided to develop a new UN Regulation for heavy-duty dual-fuel retrofit instead of amending UN Regulation No. 115.
49. [The GRPE chair] sought WP.29’s endorsement to extend the mandate of the IWG on Vehicle
Propulsion System Definitions (VPSD) until June 2014. WP.29 consented.
50. [The GRPE chair] announced the intention of the Republic of Korea to propose developing a new UN GTR on Vehicles Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) for consideration by WP.29 and AC.3 (see paras. 130 below).
51. WP.29 noted that Mr. C. Albus (Germany) had been re-elected as Chair of GRPE for the sessions of 2014 and that Mr. S. Marathe, nominated by the government of India, had been re-elected as Vice-Chair.
52. The representative of the Russian Federation underlined the importance of atmospheric pollution in urban areas due to the emission particles caused by tyre use and brake wear. WP.29 endorsed the recommendation by WP.29/AC.2 (see para. 18 above).