World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 166 | 23-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 4.2.2.
Simplification of lighting and light-signalling UN Regulations

48. The Chair of GRE presented a concept for the simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations based on a Horizontal Reference Document (HRD) to which the common provisions of numerous individual device Regulations would be moved (WP.29-166-22). He introduced two options for HRD: (a) insert a new part B in Regulation No. 48 or (b) establish a new Resolution under WP.29, and invited the World Forum to provide guidance on the preferred option. He also mentioned that, as part of the simplification exercise, GRE had put on hold a number of adopted amendment proposals, awaiting consolidation with other amendment proposals for the same UN Regulations. WP.29 noted that OLA had pointed out legal implications, which the use of a new part B of Regulation No. 48 could entail, and called for seeking a general solution in the framework of the ongoing Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement (WP.29-166-18). The EU representative welcomed this explanation but added that this was a legal problem for which OLA should be requested to extend their analysis and to provide their preferred option. In case a Resolution is not the legally optimum solution OLA shall be requested to provide alternative solutions.

49. WP.29 was of the view that pending a recommendation from OLA a new Resolution seemed to be the preferable option for HRD. At the same time, WP.29 requested GRE and the secretariat to continue their consultations with OLA with the aim to identify any legal issues that might arise if a new Resolution is adopted for the purposes of simplifying lighting and light-signalling Regulations. If needed, WP.29 agreed to come back to this issue at its next session.

GRE/73 Report of the GRE on its 73rd session
WP.29-166-18 Exchange of communications between the secretariat and OLA on the simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations
WP.29-166-22 Simplification of lighting and light signalling Regulations (SLR): options and issues