World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 164 | 11-14 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 2.2.

19. The World Forum noted the revised programme of work and documentation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/1/Rev.2). The secretariat presented the confirmed calendar of sessions for the year 2015 (based on WP.29-164-01-Rev.1). The World Forum agreed with the calendar as reproduced in Annex II to the session report. The World Forum noted WP.29‑164‑02 on the chairmanships of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies as well as WP.29‑164‑11 on the current organization of the secretariat servicing WP.29.

20. The representative of EU expressed his appreciation for the work of the GRSP Chair and kindly requested that the United States of America consider extending the term of the current Chair.

WP.29-164-01/Rev.1 Tentative 2015 calendar of WP.29, GR, and Committee meetings (revised)
WP.29-164-02 WP.29 Working Parties, Informal Groups and Chairs
WP.29-164-11 Reorganization of the World Forum/WP.29 secretariat
WP.29/2014/1/Rev.2 Revised Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies