Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 68 | 7-10 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 10.
Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE)

55. The secretary of the informal group on EVE introduced GRPE-68-22, reporting on recent meetings and providing information on the draft regulatory reference guide (GRPE-68-13). He focused on the recommendations that are contained in the guide, explaining that they concern the vehicle range and energy consumption testing, the method of calculation for energy consumption and CO2 emissions (including the impact of upstream losses), battery performance and durability, battery recycling. He acknowledged that the recommendation on the method estimating upstream energy use and CO2 emissions is currently the most controversial subject. Reporting on the meeting between EVE and WLTP leadership groups, he mentioned that the expert from the EC offered to suggest solution aiming to ensure that the EVE and the WLTP activities will not lead to the duplication of work. He concluded by summarizing the schedule of forthcoming meetings and requested the secretariat to reserve a room for a meeting during the June 2014 GRPE session.

56. The Chair of GRPE suggested some alternatives concerning the development of the regulatory work with an impact for electric vehicles: i) maintaining the existing structure, with two informal working groups: ii) combine the WLTP and EVE groups; or iii) restructure the reporting hierarchy of the groups, with the EVE reporting to WLTP for issues related with the WLTP UN GTR and to GRPE directly for all other issues. He considered also that future regulatory instruments may need to be developed under the current WLTP regulatory framework or as part of other UN Regulations and UN GTRs.

57. Having expressed concerns about the controversies regarding the method of stating upstream energy use and CO2 emissions, the Chair of GRPE invited Contracting Parties to seek an agreement on this topic. He recalled that, should these controversies remain unsolved at the EVE and GRPE levels, they will need to be considered by WP.29 and AC.3.

GRPE-68-13 EV Regulatory Reference Guide [Draft 3] (FEV)
GRPE-68-15 Status report of the WLTP Informal Group
GRPE-68-22 EVE informal working group report to the GRPE 68th session