World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 158 | 13-16 Nov 2012
Agenda Item 4.3.
Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)

38. The representative of France, chairing the informal group on IWVTA, reported on the good progress made by IWVTA and its subgroups on the revision to the 1958 Agreement and the development of UN Regulation No. 0. He announced the intention of both subgroups to meet again in Japan on 22-24 January 2013 to conclude a first draft of the amendments to the 1958 Agreement for consideration at the March 2013 session of WP.29. The World Forum noted the nomination of IWVTA ambassadors by GRB, GRE, GRSP, GRSG, GRRF and GRPE.

The representative of Japan, chairing the IWVTA subgroup on Regulation No. 0, informed WP.29 about the outcome of the discussions on the flexible scheme and the two proposals presented, differing substantially in the degree of flexibility offered. The representative of OICA added that, while the IWVTA informal group confirmed the need for flexibility in the IWVTA concept, both approaches discussed in the informal group were in line with the contemplated revision of the 1958 Agreement. The representative of OICA preferred to go forward with one of the proposals offering a high flexibility. The IWVTA Chair concluded that both options would need further consideration depending on the need for flexibility of all Contracting Parties and potential new Contracting Parties to the Agreement.

The representative of the EU underlined the need to stick to the time schedule.

39. The representative of Japan introduced WP.29-158-26 proposing amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 4, 34, 46 and 79. Following the discussion, WP.29 agreed that, in general, as a first step, the UN Regulations to be included in IWVTA, should be those not needing any or only minor amendments to reach consensus, while taking into account the importance of
the respective amendments. As a second step, WP.29 agreed to focus on those needing major amendments to reach consensus. The representative of Japan announced that any concrete proposal would need to be justified.