Particle Measurement Programme | Session 30 | 3-4 Apr 2014
Agenda Item 5.

Hans-Peter Andres (METAS) gave an overview of the EMRP-ENV-02 project and the 6 deliverables and status to date. Final workshop 13-14 May 2014.
Key conclusions:

  • Counting efficiency is material dependent (slide 14)
  • ‘Soot likeness’ is not a good criterion as soon is intrinsically variable
  • Primary calibration – recommends heterogenous nucleation of silver (using seed particles) as allows larger monodisperse size
  • However, delivery to field needs a less onerous method.
  • Uncertainty chain (traceability) from electrometer to CPC completed
  • All 6 deliverables achieved, however, several reports still in progress.
  • See link on Slide 26 for additional information
Discussion on how to translate the above into a practical chain of work – eg primary calibration by silver particles would mean sending CPC to METAS.

Secondary aerosol and transfer functions – eg could be emery oil as long as traceability through the silver particles. H-G Horn briefly outlined a procedure for traceability.

PMP-30-11 Measuring soot particles from automotive exhaust emissions (METAS)