Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 56 | 9-12 Dec 2014
Agenda Item 22. (c)

43. The secretariat reported on the activities of the IWG on IWVTA and its subgroups. The expert from Japan, GRSP ambassador to IWVTA introduced WP.29-164-22-Rev.1, providing an outline of the latest update of draft UN Regulation No. 0 that would be annexed to the Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement. The expert from Australia informed GRSP about the difficulties to transpose UN Regulation No. 14 into the national legislation of his country, due to the conflict of its upper tether provisions with those of the corresponding Australian Design Rule (ADR). The expert from Germany recognized the relevance of UN Regulation No. 14 for the IWVTA and encouraged to find a solution on this issue by the May 2015 session of GRSP.

WP.29-164-22/Rev.1 UN Regulation No. 0 Second draft - Uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA): revised