Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles | Session 30 | 7 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 4.
Process of the GFV HDDF Retrofit task-force activity

5. HDDF Activity: rev.5 regulation 49 (Euro V) was adopted in November 2013 and should be in force by approximately July 2014.

6. HDDF Rev.6 (Euro VI) Supplement to 1 to the 06 series of amendments entered into force on 15th July 2013.

7. Status of European Regulation 582/2011 (Euro VI) concerning Dual fuel: 3rd round Comitology adopted in July 2013. Publication is expected soon (January/February 2014).

8. Mr. Rijnders provided an overview of the newest HDDF tasks involving the creation and development of the regulations for dual-fuel retrofits. The target schedule is: June 2014 GRPE-69 to have an informal document; if possible, by GRPE 70 January 2015 to have a formal document ; and to have the new regulations adopted in June 2015 WP29.

9. Henk Dekker (TNO) will assume the Chairmanship for the dual-fuel retrofit work, with NGV Global providing the secretariat in the form that might be required by the committee’s leadership. The meetings will be decided by the Task Force itself, either independent meetings or in association with GFV meetings.

GFV-29-06 Progress report of the heavy-duty dual-fuel vehicle retrofit task force (RDW)
GFV-30-02 Process of the GFV HDDF Retrofit Activity (RDW)