Informal Group on Heavy-Duty Hybrids | Session 15 | 23-25 Oct 2013
San Francisco
Agenda Item 5.3.
WHVC road gradients

Mr. Osaki presented working paper HDH-15-05. A new analysis was made after it was reported at the 14th HDH meeting that the Japanese approach deviated significantly from the target work. This re-analysis showed a good correlation between the minicycle and the 30 sec moving average approaches. Mr. Osaki informed that contrary to the minicycle approach presented by Mr. Six, the JASIC proposal does not include negative slopes. A summary of the different methods is shown on pages 17 and 22. It was concluded that the 30 sec moving average with fixed slope was the best approach for certification purposes.

The IWG agreed that a fixed slope approach was superior to an individual slope approach with regard to certification. However, Dr. Kawai supported in principle the institutes’ proposal to include negative slopes. The institutes and JASIC were asked to develop a compromise solution for the fixed slope method including negative slopes.

HDH-15-05 Examination of Worldwide Harmonized Vehicle Cycle slope (JASIC)