Electric Vehicles and the Environment | Session 8 | 7 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 1.
Welcome, Introductions, Agenda

1. Mr. Michael Olechiw, Chair of the informal working group, welcomed participants to the meeting. Mr. Olechiw outlined the primary goal for the meeting, which was to continue discussing the recommendations included in draft 3 of the EV Reference Guide (EVE-08-03). He clarified that the intent was not to finalize the Guide during the 8th EVE meeting, but to agree on draft 3 (with some minor revisions) to be submitted as an informal document to the GRPE’s 68th session (GRPE-68-13). Contracting parties and industry would then have until February 3rd, 2014 to submit comments. The objective is to finalize the Guide during the 9th EVE meeting on February 17-18th in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

2. Mr. Olechiw also informed the group that a meeting between the EVE IWG leadership and the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) secretariat, EV sub-group, WLTP sponsors (European Commission and Japan) and OICA would occur directly after the 8th EVE meeting with the primary purpose to further discuss the recommendations of the Guide.

3. There were approximately 50 participants in the room representing Contracting Parties, vehicle manufacturers and industry organizations from around the world. Mr. Couroux (Secretary), Ms. Marchington and Mr. Narusawa (Co-Chair) were present for the meeting, and Ms. Chunmei (Co-chair) participated from China by teleconference. Mr. Mark Subramaniam of FEV Consulting, the consultant retained by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help with drafting the Guide, was also in attendance.

4. The Agenda for the meeting (EVE-08-02-Rev1) was reviewed. Upon request from Japan, an additional document (EVE-08-06e) and discussion item (‘Japan comments on Guide) was added to agenda item 3, EV Reference Guide. The revised and final Agenda for the meeting is document EVE-08-02-Rev2.

EVE-08-02/Rev.2 Final agenda for the 8th EVE informal working group session
EVE-08-03 EV Environmental Regulation Reference Guide: Document Status and Revisions (FEV)
EVE-08-06 Japan position for EVE reference guide (Japan)
GRPE-68-13 EV Regulatory Reference Guide [Draft 3] (FEV)