World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 191 | 13-16 Nov 2023
Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

7. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties (GRs), Informal Working Groups and their Chairs (WP.29-191-01), highlighting that it now included the link to the Terms of Reference (ToR) for all Informal Working Groups. He presented the draft calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2024 (WP.29-191-02), reflecting that the GRVA May 2024 session will be held in the United States of America.

8. The Chair of GRPE announced a change is expected in the leadership of the IWGs on Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE) and Global Real Driving Emissions (RDE), with Mrs Panagiota Dilara changing assignments within the EU Commission. He praised her implication and dedication to the activities of GRPE. He added that the EU Commission was expected to communicate a new candidate in the near future.

9. WP.29 agreed with the revised calendar and requested the secretariat to organize an additional session for GRPE in the fall of 2024.

10. The Chair of GRPE acknowledged the proposed solution for the 2024 sessions of GRPE and thanked all parties for the compromise solution with an additional session for GRPE in the fall of 2024.

11. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the draft Programme of Work for the year 2024 (WP.29-191-05-Rev.1), to be adopted by WP.29 at its next session in March 2024.

12. The representative of Australia recommended that GRSG undertake an activity on driver distraction under its remit and that GRVA consider amending UN Regulation No. 79 to include provisions for the type approval of Emergency Lane Keeping Systems. WP.29 agreed to consider it on the basis of concrete proposals provided by GRSG and GRVA experts.

WP.29-191-01 WP.29: Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs on 8 November 2023
WP.29-191-02 Draft calendar of WP.29 sessions for 2024
WP.29-191-05/Rev.1 WP.29: Programme of Work for the World Forum and subsidiary bodies