World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 191 | 13-16 Nov 2023
Agenda Item 2.1.
Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

5. The 143rd session of WP.29/AC.2 (13 November 2023) was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy), Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, WP.29, and was attended, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.2) by the Chairs (or their representatives) of GRBP (France), GRE (Finland), GRPE (Netherlands), GRSG (Italy), GRSP (United States of America), GRVA (Germany) and the Vice-Chairs (or their representatives) of GRE (Netherlands), GRPE (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), GRSG (Canada), GRSP (Republic of Korea), GRVA (China and Japan), the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement (Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America), the Vice-Chair of WP.29 (Japan) and by the representatives of the European Union.

6. The secretariat reported on the main outcomes of AC.2 as follows:

  1. AC.2 reviewed the calendar of meetings for 2024. AC.2 agreed that GRSP would shift its May 2024 session originally scheduled on 13-17 May 2024 to the slot foreseen for GRVA, on 27-31 May 2024. It was agreed that GRPE would shift its June session to the 22-24 May 2024 and would have an additional session in October 2024;
  2. AC.2 discussed the GR priorities for the draft Programme of Work (PoW) 2024, including those for GRVA, which would result in amendments to the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles. AC.2 discussed the new structure necessary to manage the regulatory activities regarding Automated Driving System (ADS), starting in 2024. AC.2 agreed that the activities related to the vehicle subcategories for vehicles with ADS, as well as the activities of the Task Force on the Fitness of UN Regulations and UN GTR for ADS be reflected in the Framework document. Contracting Parties were invited to provide further input to the PoW prior to the 192nd session;
  3. AC.2 discussed the collaboration between WP.1 and WP.29 on Automated Vehicles and the possibility to undertake concrete activities for knowledge sharing;
  4. AC.2 noted that the draft proposal for Supplement 1 to the 10 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 17 would need further review by GRSP at its December 2023 session and thus recommended WP.29 not to submit the proposal to AC.1 for voting;
  5. AC.2 reviewed the draft WP.29 recommendations to ITC on the climate change mitigation strategy and recommended WP.29 to endorse them;
  6. AC.2 examined the quintennial working party review report and recommended WP.29 to endorse it.